MX5 NB Body Kit

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  • Regular price £300.00
Tax included.

MADE TO ORDER AERO - Please allow up to 10 weeks production time. **

- 1x Front Bumper
- 2x Sideskirts
- 1x Rear Bumper

The MFNB201 Is now finally here after 2 years development in the cold hours of the night! Its been a long time coming and we are now finally on the road to releasing this product to the public!

Although we cannot guarantee a perfect fit due to the age of the cars, we can however say it's close enough. (Note: The Front bumper literally .. 'pop's' on as good if not better; than OEM! Rear require's the OEM screws either on the lights or to drill some holes for the plate recess slot. The rear only fits Import size plates (No UK/Euro size plate slot) - The boot lock has also been deleted. Sides fit on nicely but would benefit from the typical pop rivet or touch of tiger seal to close the gap near the top of the wing for the perfect fit.)

We recommend this kit to be installed by a professional; as some of the easiest of tasks can appear daunting for those who have no experience. (Small scrapes, scratches etc is normal as this product requires prepped and primered before painting. This is not a second hand part. It will not be painted. *COMES IN PINK GEL COAT*)

Please expect up to a 10** week time frame for production of the kit. Followed by shipping times.

If you wish to collect this kit in person (Scotland) then please contact us;

** This is a rough time scale. We are running a small operation and its done in our spare time currently. So please keep this in mind when ordering if you are on a tight dead line. 8-10 weeks is good working figure but this will depend on work load and time available.